Were You Green?

Yesterday was party time! It was St. Patrick’s Day, when people like to wear green and celebrate. Some of my friends back in Missouri wore green. I told them I would, and then I forgot when I got dressed and I was too lazy to change. So here’s my green.

I remember this day so well. This picture was taken in the mountainous wilds of Wyoming where we went ATVing along backroads and trails and then tracks. Then we bushwacked through the forest and hiked to a beaver dam. The footing was precarious because the root system of this grass was overgrown and there was water everywhere. I had to hold onto Mel to keep from falling, but oh, what fun. This is how I like to party.

I also love to meet with old friends from high school and catch up. And I love to get together with members of my church and play board games on a Friday night. We get pretty wild!

Care to share how you like to party?

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